Theodore & Clementine

Thursday, November 30, 2006


do people have too much free time in hand?

well a california woman who filed a lawsuit to sue kraft food for their guacamole dip does ;P
she said the product label was misleading and it wasn't even made out of avocado!
another class action lawsuit ... or foodsuit.

why not make your own guacamole dip? how much is the kraft guacamole dip? the last time i bought a fresh made guacamole dip, it was at whole foods. it was pretty expensive for such a small container, but really tasty and the dip was made out of real avocado.

anyways ... now we should all read food packagings and labels ... so we can sue food companies for false advertisings and get some money to help solve childhood obesity and diabetes.

can we have a ban on food companies for using high fructose corn syrup? eventually hfcs is going to kill us all with heart attacks!

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