okay ... i am skeptical too ... cookie and diet just doesn't mesh well together ...
the japanese makes everything look so pretty ... it is the most popular diet in japan and now it is slowly invading the united state market ... it is called soypal cookie diet.
lose 9 pounds in 9 days ... wow!
so basically the juice is okara ... pulp fiber by product of soymilk and tofu ... and made into cookie with added flavor ... cause who likes fiber ... taste literally like cardboard if no flavor added =P ... the protein part is the plus and other vitamins added.
you get 7 cookies per package ... good size cookies ... the idea is to chew those okay yummy cookies down nice and slow and drink two glass of fluid so the high fiber can expand in your stomach to make you full like having a meal but without the added calories ... 150kcal per pack.
replace one meal in a day with cookies ... usually dinner would be best.
well since i can't go on the diet just yet cause of breast feeding. i eat the cookie when i feel hungry so i don't have to dive into junk food like chips and popcorn etc.
the main thing about diet is to eat less and exercise! and also not to starve yourself ... cause when you starve your body actually store up more fat.
so one of my mom's friend is actually going on this diet of full force and she said it is working well for her to replace her dinner.
