happy halloween ... it is suppose to be fun going trick or treating ... but sometimes the older teens just spoiled the fun for the rest of the younger ones. the north of santa monica neighborhood slowly turns into a ghetto during this time once a year and it is turning more ghetto-y each year. tonight the cops (santa monica pd) came by to chase the noisy crowds away. it felt like a scene from the dawn of the dead.
the idea of sharing doesn't get to the kids nowadays. last year my 10 pounds bag of candies last the night from 5-9pm and this time around it seemed like one of the kids got really greedy and took the whole 5-pound bag of candies and left the rest of the other trick or treaters astray.
and what about treating people's property with respect. my candy stand got knocked over just because i have no more candies. do people even think about ringing the door bell if the candies are out ... but no ... let's just destroy ... destroy ... destroy. i feel like i have to put up some fences and have a sign that says "keep out or i will shoot."
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Monday, October 30, 2006
my last pif on etsy
i gave away my last pif (pay it forward) today. the uno recycled wood bead pendant will be going to a good home =D
sugar & cream yarns
recycled candies
how much candies can a person eat in a day? i went out and bought more candies 10 pounds worth of sugar in multi colors. i still have a bag left from last year's halloween. if i ran out i will probably use those. if some one really ate a one-year-old candy and got sick from it may as well blame it on sugar not because it is a year old. to quote my old man here "expiration date is only a recommendation."
Sunday, October 29, 2006
review: go diego go
this cartoon is on nick jr as far as i know every weekday around noonish when i am feeding baby his lunch.
it is a fun show about a young boy named diego saving different animals in trouble in each episodes. you discover and learn about the animals and their habitats with fun facts awhile keeping you engage by asking you questions or do certain actions to help diego with pseudo interactive sessions as a part of the animal rescuing. inbetween are songs and dance. i really like the catchy tune of 'rescue pack' when diego needs a tool to help him solve a problem. the rescue pack will ask you if a tool will help diego solve his problem when it changes itself to a tool for example a bicycle, hot air balloon, or kayak. you can also learn some spanish along the way.
towards the end of the show, i like how diego would review what you had learn from the adventure by playing a memory game. at the end of the game a real photograph of the animal is revealed.
it is overall very rewarding and teaches you about helping others and solving problems.
théodore now 9 months reacts to the show and expression of diego ... he will laugh when diego speaks to him.
now i have that tune in my head.
it is a fun show about a young boy named diego saving different animals in trouble in each episodes. you discover and learn about the animals and their habitats with fun facts awhile keeping you engage by asking you questions or do certain actions to help diego with pseudo interactive sessions as a part of the animal rescuing. inbetween are songs and dance. i really like the catchy tune of 'rescue pack' when diego needs a tool to help him solve a problem. the rescue pack will ask you if a tool will help diego solve his problem when it changes itself to a tool for example a bicycle, hot air balloon, or kayak. you can also learn some spanish along the way.
towards the end of the show, i like how diego would review what you had learn from the adventure by playing a memory game. at the end of the game a real photograph of the animal is revealed.
it is overall very rewarding and teaches you about helping others and solving problems.
théodore now 9 months reacts to the show and expression of diego ... he will laugh when diego speaks to him.
now i have that tune in my head.
Saturday, October 28, 2006
another long saturday
today is just one of those days were things are not done and it is extremely long even with a stroll close to the santa monica pier. we also walked along third street promenade and visited gap kids. i really like their pajamas for toddlers even the lady working there wants one her size. i bought three long pj for baby size 3 just big enough for him for the trip to france. we wanted to get a costume for halloween, but baby was sleepy and we went straight home after one hour not counting the time to park the car and get out of the parking structure.
eight & cartoons
i worked on my crocheting today ... and i only gained three inches from my last attempt. hopefully with daylight saving coming up i can have one hour of free time to get the crocheting going at full speed. i am still aiming to finish this scarf by mid-december ... it is still do able at this point in time.
i have been watching a lot of cartoons on nick and noggin. dora, diego, wonder pets, blue clues, spongebob ... i will probably provide some of my views on each of those children shows. nine months old théodore seemed to enjoy watching dora and diego. how much tv can a child watch? those shows runs 24/7 back to back ... i started watching by noon time and two hours into it i am already bored.
i have been watching a lot of cartoons on nick and noggin. dora, diego, wonder pets, blue clues, spongebob ... i will probably provide some of my views on each of those children shows. nine months old théodore seemed to enjoy watching dora and diego. how much tv can a child watch? those shows runs 24/7 back to back ... i started watching by noon time and two hours into it i am already bored.
Friday, October 27, 2006
yeah i finally got www.petitespoon.com and i am using bluehost.com to host my website. at the moment if you go to the website it will link back to this blogger. hopefully i will get something up and running soon.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
shop update
i finally added the christmas card and the rose garden bracelet ... check it out by clicking on the link petite spOOn etsy on the side bar.
i am still at it with the crocheting ... the scarf is now 3 times longer than yesterday which is about 5 inches. it took me a long time to get to the 5 inches long mark. i am using the left over yarn from my baby shower. cream & sugar or sugar & cream yarn.
i am still at it with the crocheting ... the scarf is now 3 times longer than yesterday which is about 5 inches. it took me a long time to get to the 5 inches long mark. i am using the left over yarn from my baby shower. cream & sugar or sugar & cream yarn.
recipe: fresh chicken soup
this is a real kitchen. i have been experimenting with making fresh chicken soup ... as in from scratch. my mom always says never use frozen chicken so she went to the market ... a chinese market to get the chicken. you can pick out the one you want and they will do the rest.
simple chicken soup
1 fresh chicken
2 pieces of lean pork meat 6 ounces each
1 ginger
3 bunch of spring onions
3 tablespoon of chinese cooking wine
1 pinch of salt
the lady in the market doesn't really help you get rid of the chicken fat so you have to do it yourself when you get home. cut away all the chicken skin and excess fat as much as possible. use a very sharp knife.
place the chicken and lean meat pieces (those meat help give the soup its complement flavors) in a pot and fill it up with water to cover partially to the tip of the chicken. place pot on the stove. turn on the fire to HI.
peel ginger, slice it into several pieces and use the flat part of knife and bang the slices till a bit of juice comes out. place the ginger slices in the pot. clean and cut the spring onions and add them to the brew as well as the rest of the ingredients.
when the water reached to a boil lower the fire till the water only bubble up onces or twice and cover.
slow boiling for 3 hours ... keep checking your soup 1 hour at a time.
after 3 hours let the soup cool and get rid of the excess oil floating on the top layer. best is to place the pot of soup in the refigerator after the pot is cooled. it is much easier that way to scoop the excess oil out.
when you want to enjoy a bowl of soup reheat and savor the flavor!
any question?
simple chicken soup
1 fresh chicken
2 pieces of lean pork meat 6 ounces each
1 ginger
3 bunch of spring onions
3 tablespoon of chinese cooking wine
1 pinch of salt
the lady in the market doesn't really help you get rid of the chicken fat so you have to do it yourself when you get home. cut away all the chicken skin and excess fat as much as possible. use a very sharp knife.
place the chicken and lean meat pieces (those meat help give the soup its complement flavors) in a pot and fill it up with water to cover partially to the tip of the chicken. place pot on the stove. turn on the fire to HI.
peel ginger, slice it into several pieces and use the flat part of knife and bang the slices till a bit of juice comes out. place the ginger slices in the pot. clean and cut the spring onions and add them to the brew as well as the rest of the ingredients.
when the water reached to a boil lower the fire till the water only bubble up onces or twice and cover.
slow boiling for 3 hours ... keep checking your soup 1 hour at a time.
after 3 hours let the soup cool and get rid of the excess oil floating on the top layer. best is to place the pot of soup in the refigerator after the pot is cooled. it is much easier that way to scoop the excess oil out.
when you want to enjoy a bowl of soup reheat and savor the flavor!
any question?
celebs & adoption
okay seriously what is up with the trends of celebs adopting kids from africa? this is a life we are taking about not some fashion trends to wear a kid from another country. if madonna has so much money to give away why not go all out and adopt the village. why single out all the other children to just one 'david'? there are alot of children out there without parents.
(i just hope david will turn out okay and not turned into one of those celeb brats like paris hilton or nicole richie who are disconnected from the whole wide world which is just sad. who cares if you have money ... you just turned into garbage news ending up on entertainment tonight and paparazzi chases.)
the most important thing is to educate not only the children but the whole village including the adults about HIV and how to prevent getting this damn disease. so adopting one kid is not going to solve the problem ... that is where the criticism comes in. either go all out or not even do it at all. it isn't a novelty.
(i just hope david will turn out okay and not turned into one of those celeb brats like paris hilton or nicole richie who are disconnected from the whole wide world which is just sad. who cares if you have money ... you just turned into garbage news ending up on entertainment tonight and paparazzi chases.)
the most important thing is to educate not only the children but the whole village including the adults about HIV and how to prevent getting this damn disease. so adopting one kid is not going to solve the problem ... that is where the criticism comes in. either go all out or not even do it at all. it isn't a novelty.
crocheting & zen
i never thought i will give crocheting a try ... better than never. i should have crochet sooner to be in the state of zen. it is a peaceful action after getting pass the basic of slip knots, chain stitch, turning chain and now to the single crochet.
hopefully i will be finishing up a single crochet scarf by the mid of december so baby can wear it in france ... bbrrr.

hopefully i will be finishing up a single crochet scarf by the mid of december so baby can wear it in france ... bbrrr.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006
dancing with the stars and target
okay just want to post since i did watched the whole show. mario must win and jerry must go. why are people making him suffer? he cannot compete with the others even if he was entertaining and funny.
i went to target today. i really like the 1 dollar section. i got some fun blank greeting cards for all occassional usage.
target is one of the grand example of a brand makeover. for example you will never see me in a wal-mart ever again ... what a mess and the lighting in one of those stores are terrible. target on the other hand is a great shopping experience. all the departments are labeled with huge signs. you will never get lost. i wished target would incorporate more space in the clothing sections because it can be crowded with the big red shopping cart. especially when you have children cause you have to constantly watch them. i had to push the cart into the narrow section of infant clothing because of the baby, if it were just me i could have left the cart out. and besides that i don't think it was wheelchair friendly either. target is truly about having great fun design for the masses for great prices.
i went to target today. i really like the 1 dollar section. i got some fun blank greeting cards for all occassional usage.
target is one of the grand example of a brand makeover. for example you will never see me in a wal-mart ever again ... what a mess and the lighting in one of those stores are terrible. target on the other hand is a great shopping experience. all the departments are labeled with huge signs. you will never get lost. i wished target would incorporate more space in the clothing sections because it can be crowded with the big red shopping cart. especially when you have children cause you have to constantly watch them. i had to push the cart into the narrow section of infant clothing because of the baby, if it were just me i could have left the cart out. and besides that i don't think it was wheelchair friendly either. target is truly about having great fun design for the masses for great prices.
Monday, October 23, 2006
nice email
someone wrote me a very nice email in regarding my blues glass beads bracelet. that just made my day.
"Sorry to take soooo long to get in touch, I did leave feedback for you but I wanted to let you know how really beautiful I think the braclet is. As you know it is a present for my mum and I know just how much she will love it. You have a great talent for choosing the most beautiful arrangement of beads, it is a lovely piece of work!"
"Sorry to take soooo long to get in touch, I did leave feedback for you but I wanted to let you know how really beautiful I think the braclet is. As you know it is a present for my mum and I know just how much she will love it. You have a great talent for choosing the most beautiful arrangement of beads, it is a lovely piece of work!"
couple more vintage buttons
okay this week i still can't get enough of vintage buttons. i have been staring at them all weekend and i am still working on more thumb tacks and bracelets. i have complete two more velcro bracelets and more thumb tacks. i decided to make some collages of rings. i will get some ring bases later in the week.
paris syndrome?
i find this news disturbing, but also funny at the same time. especially when i have been to paris 3 times. i do not know who put the stamp on paris to be a romantic city? the last time i was there it was rainy and gloomy. romantic maybe at night when everything are closed and quiet.
french waiters in most cases are very rude because they do not earn tips from you. the tips are included in the price of the food since it is so so so expensive in euro. the only waiter we met one evening who was funny and nice ... he was from romania.
i think those japanese tourists should just get a grip of reality. i would just visit all the museums ... definitely worth my time. or do like all female asians ... go shop at louis vuitton and get the most expensive handbag (which is still cheaper than buying it in asia plus you get your tax back) and be happy.
this news was taken from yahoo news:
"Paris Syndrome" leaves tourists in shock
Mon Oct 23, 12:53 AM ET
PARIS (Reuters) - Around a dozen Japanese tourists a year need psychological treatment after visiting Paris as the reality of unfriendly locals and scruffy streets clashes with their expectations, a newspaper reported on Sunday.
"A third of patients get better immediately, a third suffer relapses and the rest have psychoses," Yousef Mahmoudia, a psychologist at the Hotel-Dieu hospital, next to Notre Dame cathedral, told the newspaper Journal du Dimanche.
Already this year, Japan's embassy in Paris has had to repatriate at least four visitors -- including two women who believed their hotel room was being bugged and there was a plot against them.
Previous cases include a man convinced he was the French "Sun King", Louis XIV, and a woman who believed she was being attacked with microwaves, the paper cited Japanese embassy official Yoshikatsu Aoyagi as saying.
"Fragile travellers can lose their bearings. When the idea they have of the country meets the reality of what they discover it can provoke a crisis," psychologist Herve Benhamou told the paper.
The phenomenon, which the newspaper dubbed "Paris Syndrome", was first detailed in the psychiatric journal Nervure in 2004.
Bernard Delage of Jeunes Japon, an association that helps Japanese families settle in France, said:
"In Japanese shops, the customer is king, whereas here assistants hardly look at them ... People using public transport all look stern, and handbag snatchers increase the ill feeling."
A Japanese woman, Aimi, told the paper:
"For us, Paris is a dream city. All the French are beautiful and elegant ... And then, when they arrive, the Japanese find the French character is the complete opposite of their own."
french waiters in most cases are very rude because they do not earn tips from you. the tips are included in the price of the food since it is so so so expensive in euro. the only waiter we met one evening who was funny and nice ... he was from romania.
i think those japanese tourists should just get a grip of reality. i would just visit all the museums ... definitely worth my time. or do like all female asians ... go shop at louis vuitton and get the most expensive handbag (which is still cheaper than buying it in asia plus you get your tax back) and be happy.
this news was taken from yahoo news:
"Paris Syndrome" leaves tourists in shock
Mon Oct 23, 12:53 AM ET
PARIS (Reuters) - Around a dozen Japanese tourists a year need psychological treatment after visiting Paris as the reality of unfriendly locals and scruffy streets clashes with their expectations, a newspaper reported on Sunday.
"A third of patients get better immediately, a third suffer relapses and the rest have psychoses," Yousef Mahmoudia, a psychologist at the Hotel-Dieu hospital, next to Notre Dame cathedral, told the newspaper Journal du Dimanche.
Already this year, Japan's embassy in Paris has had to repatriate at least four visitors -- including two women who believed their hotel room was being bugged and there was a plot against them.
Previous cases include a man convinced he was the French "Sun King", Louis XIV, and a woman who believed she was being attacked with microwaves, the paper cited Japanese embassy official Yoshikatsu Aoyagi as saying.
"Fragile travellers can lose their bearings. When the idea they have of the country meets the reality of what they discover it can provoke a crisis," psychologist Herve Benhamou told the paper.
The phenomenon, which the newspaper dubbed "Paris Syndrome", was first detailed in the psychiatric journal Nervure in 2004.
Bernard Delage of Jeunes Japon, an association that helps Japanese families settle in France, said:
"In Japanese shops, the customer is king, whereas here assistants hardly look at them ... People using public transport all look stern, and handbag snatchers increase the ill feeling."
A Japanese woman, Aimi, told the paper:
"For us, Paris is a dream city. All the French are beautiful and elegant ... And then, when they arrive, the Japanese find the French character is the complete opposite of their own."
Sunday, October 22, 2006
velcro bracelets + others
i finished the 3 velcro bracelets. jp photographed them plus the others.
i also finally finished the christmas dangles earrings "christmas minis" and one odd beads necklace.
i only made 3 'let it snow' cards.
hope to put them up this week =D
i also finally finished the christmas dangles earrings "christmas minis" and one odd beads necklace.
i only made 3 'let it snow' cards.
hope to put them up this week =D
Saturday, October 21, 2006
korean bbq grill
our friends took us to a korean bbq in torrance. it is a great place. not a really big restuarant. since we are all meat eaters we had several platters of beef. what i find interesting is the grill. it is a round one inset in the middle of the table and i like the design of the grill because it doesn't splatter oil as much as the conventional rectangular shaped one that i often see in korean bbq places.
vintage buttons dive
i had just some free time today to dive into my 8 pounds of vintage buttons. i was experimenting with different types of glue and i found that hot glue gun seemed to do the job well.
i bought some velcro straps used for tying up cables and electrical cords. they come in multi color packs at staples and i used them as bracelets by hot glued an array of vintage buttons on to one side. i made one complete bracelet with white buttons on yellow velcro. it looks pretty interesting. i also made some vintage buttons tacks by gluing thumb tacks on to the back of the buttons. i really love how those turned out. i was also playing around with velcro dots on buttons. i could probably make them into a design your own bracelet with different arrangement of buttons. maybe a kit with two different color velcros and 12 different vintage buttons as a set. and i can also sell buttons with velcro backing as sets too.
i bought some velcro straps used for tying up cables and electrical cords. they come in multi color packs at staples and i used them as bracelets by hot glued an array of vintage buttons on to one side. i made one complete bracelet with white buttons on yellow velcro. it looks pretty interesting. i also made some vintage buttons tacks by gluing thumb tacks on to the back of the buttons. i really love how those turned out. i was also playing around with velcro dots on buttons. i could probably make them into a design your own bracelet with different arrangement of buttons. maybe a kit with two different color velcros and 12 different vintage buttons as a set. and i can also sell buttons with velcro backing as sets too.
Friday, October 20, 2006
cool sites to check out
very cool sites indeed ...
the modern day craft revolution magazine just recently premiere on october 17th. from the maker of makezine.com
i just got my subscription so i am just waiting for it to come in the mail =D
stuff designed by indie designers - you can buy some really hip design items
the complete work of charles darwin available to the public online ... ain't technology cool
so far this project started by University of Cambridge and others will complete in 2009
the modern day craft revolution magazine just recently premiere on october 17th. from the maker of makezine.com
i just got my subscription so i am just waiting for it to come in the mail =D
stuff designed by indie designers - you can buy some really hip design items
the complete work of charles darwin available to the public online ... ain't technology cool
so far this project started by University of Cambridge and others will complete in 2009
long day
one of those days ... super long, draggin day
some people commented on my guide on work.com
scroll down to yesterday's entry for the link to my guide ; )
as of today Etsy Angels raised close to $90!
i did not do much today. took us 2 hours to go to LAX and back home and we left around 330pm ... the traffic was bad yet the airport was close to empty.
some people commented on my guide on work.com
scroll down to yesterday's entry for the link to my guide ; )
as of today Etsy Angels raised close to $90!
i did not do much today. took us 2 hours to go to LAX and back home and we left around 330pm ... the traffic was bad yet the airport was close to empty.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
okay i finally wrote a guide on work.com!
guide to sell your handmade goodies to the world
it is currently rate 7 out of 10.
let me know what i can add to improve on it.
guide to sell your handmade goodies to the world
it is currently rate 7 out of 10.
let me know what i can add to improve on it.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
300 + LOST
it has been almost a month since my little shop opened ... i have 300 unique user hits on my shop. thanks for looking =D
okay who is not a big fan of LOST? every wednesday is LOST day and dancing with the stars ... why are people still voting for jerry?
i didn't do much today on the crafty side. on a good note, i finally found my cellphone after a week. it was lost in my car. i hate it when i can't remember even if i tried to retrace my steps. so sorry if you tried calling me and left me messages. i am not trying to be anti social, but just prone to forget and misplace stuff like cellphone, wallet, car keys etc.
okay who is not a big fan of LOST? every wednesday is LOST day and dancing with the stars ... why are people still voting for jerry?
i didn't do much today on the crafty side. on a good note, i finally found my cellphone after a week. it was lost in my car. i hate it when i can't remember even if i tried to retrace my steps. so sorry if you tried calling me and left me messages. i am not trying to be anti social, but just prone to forget and misplace stuff like cellphone, wallet, car keys etc.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
web hosting? help ... HELP
okay i was thinking of having another website to host my crafty stuff instead of using spoonful design or etsy or flickr. so i am looking for a better web hosting than my current provider. maybe even provide a shopping cart of some sort that is easy for no-brainer me to use (so i don't have to bug JP all the time to help me haa haa cause he was annoyed that i didn't know how to place the google ads block on the blogger since i am html deficient).
enough said ... any suggestion of web hosting service that is not too expensive but have a easy shopping cart system? right now i am paying for an annual fee of $60 but of course their shopping cart thingie is messy.
enough said ... any suggestion of web hosting service that is not too expensive but have a easy shopping cart system? right now i am paying for an annual fee of $60 but of course their shopping cart thingie is messy.
okay the hearts earrings are posted in the shop.
i did not do much today. i went to Ritz for lunch and i had chicken wrap bento box (the box came with everything: soup, salad, fries and even dessert ... just typing this makes my mouth waters). Théodore enjoyed a green apple with his one tooth =D
(a photo will be posted on his blogger when JP gets to it).
i started a bangle "watermelon" i will call it. i will finish up the clasp tommorrow cause i am still thinking about it. i also made a pair of lantern "ruby" earrings from some leftover beads that i had tucked away somewhere. i started on another bracelet following my red and black theme of the day.
the glitters dried nicely on the christmas cards i was working on last night. i have 3 made. i think i am going to make 2 more and sell it as a set.
i still have a bunch of foam pieces left that i can make into christmas cards. i am going to be tackling those next.
hopefully JP can help me shoot them by the weekend ;P so i can put some of those photos up on the blogger.
i did not do much today. i went to Ritz for lunch and i had chicken wrap bento box (the box came with everything: soup, salad, fries and even dessert ... just typing this makes my mouth waters). Théodore enjoyed a green apple with his one tooth =D
(a photo will be posted on his blogger when JP gets to it).
i started a bangle "watermelon" i will call it. i will finish up the clasp tommorrow cause i am still thinking about it. i also made a pair of lantern "ruby" earrings from some leftover beads that i had tucked away somewhere. i started on another bracelet following my red and black theme of the day.
the glitters dried nicely on the christmas cards i was working on last night. i have 3 made. i think i am going to make 2 more and sell it as a set.
i still have a bunch of foam pieces left that i can make into christmas cards. i am going to be tackling those next.
hopefully JP can help me shoot them by the weekend ;P so i can put some of those photos up on the blogger.
5 pairs of cute hearts earrings!
i just made 5 pairs of mismatch earrings.
those are for charity ... i donate 100% of those earrings to toys for tots ... buy them it is for a good cause ... more toys for the children during christmas =D
price is $12.00 for a pair
let me know before i post them up on etsy!
okay time to sleep Zzz
those are for charity ... i donate 100% of those earrings to toys for tots ... buy them it is for a good cause ... more toys for the children during christmas =D
price is $12.00 for a pair
let me know before i post them up on etsy!
okay time to sleep Zzz
Monday, October 16, 2006
yeah i got those hearts
okay i got them in the mail today =D
i worked on one christmas greeting card today ... it turned out pretty okay. i used felt and alot of white vintage buttons. i got 8 pounds or more worth of vintage buttons. and i need to sort them out. yes, i got it from ebay ;)
i have one PIF left. so if you like the recycled wood bead pendant this is UNO.
the 8mm coral beads earrings are going to a good home
i worked on one christmas greeting card today ... it turned out pretty okay. i used felt and alot of white vintage buttons. i got 8 pounds or more worth of vintage buttons. and i need to sort them out. yes, i got it from ebay ;)
i have one PIF left. so if you like the recycled wood bead pendant this is UNO.
the 8mm coral beads earrings are going to a good home
Sunday, October 15, 2006
lampwork beads - mismatch hearts
many people seemed to like the cute mismatch hearts earrings that i gave away as a PIF - pay it foward* item on etsy.
i emailed a really nice lady named Jena. i bought a set of the lampwork heart beads and hopefully i will get them this coming week so i can make some cute earrings for the charity.

* if you select to buy the PIF item you either have to list something in your etsy.com shop for someone to get your PIF item or just do something nice to someone
i emailed a really nice lady named Jena. i bought a set of the lampwork heart beads and hopefully i will get them this coming week so i can make some cute earrings for the charity.
the lovely mismatch hearts earrings

* if you select to buy the PIF item you either have to list something in your etsy.com shop for someone to get your PIF item or just do something nice to someone
money raised as of today
Etsy Angels raised close to $70.
i sold one item thanks to my cousin Viv who bought it.
thanks so much ... that is 3.75 + 3 dollars shipping to my charity pot =D
i am also donating 3 dollars from my first item sold
total to date for me is 9.75 dollars
i have updated more items just for the charity this week
please check them out and thank you for your support
i sold one item thanks to my cousin Viv who bought it.
thanks so much ... that is 3.75 + 3 dollars shipping to my charity pot =D
i am also donating 3 dollars from my first item sold
total to date for me is 9.75 dollars
i have updated more items just for the charity this week
please check them out and thank you for your support
my first post
i am starting this blog as a way to keep record of my handmade goodies. i recently just started a shop at etsy.com under the name petitespoon. i have also joined a group called Etsy Angels. we are a group of people who loves to make things by hand and sell them, but at the end it is all about charity ... we donate a percentage of our sales to different non-profit organizations. this month we are donating our proceeds to marine toys for tots foundation (we are extending it to november). you can read about Etsy Angels at etsyangels.blogspot.com
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